Sunday, February 1, 2009


Long story short, the supervisor at NASA of James Hansen, Mr "Science is Settled and Al Gore is my bro" (my post about him here), has now officially declared himself a skeptic. Amongst all the other evil the ex US president George W. Bush was supposed to have done, it was alleged in a media frenzy two years ago that he was attempting to "muzzle" NASA's research in support of man made global warming.

That's right, one of the really really high up dudes at NASA is now an official Warming Skeptic.

From the article:
“Hansen was never muzzled even though he violated NASA’s official agency position on climate forecasting (i.e., we did not know enough to forecast climate change or mankind’s effect on it). Hansen thus embarrassed NASA by coming out with his claims of global warming in 1988 in his testimony before Congress,”
And a replay for those that missed out on my emphasis above:
we did not know enough to forecast climate change or mankind’s effect on it

So lets have a quick look at The Age to see how they are questioning their assumptions on this hot button issue with this news. Whingeing that the Global Financial Crisis has pushed the "climate change" debate out of the media and political eye, what seems to be a press release from some unknown lobby group:
"Almost without exception, the ethical implications of climate change — for the developing world, for the larger biotic community, for future generations — are being overlooked."
Note that the author feels that discussion of "climate change" solutions etc.. should supersede debate about the economy. How does one protect the environment without an economy?
"It is often argued that we have to come up with a practical solution to climate change, and that this involves leaving the wider issues of environmental justice until a later date."
Environmental justice?? Seriously, WTF is Environmental justice?!? Does the natural world have an ethical framework that some agency can enforce punishment and regulation??

"Environmental justice" at work


Anonymous said...

Aww ... so cute! That big pussy cat gave that small cow a big hug!

Anonymous said...

Hmmm...interesting no comment on the content of th post. You're not wavering in your belief to the biggest fraud perpetrated on Humankind are you?

Anonymous said...

Bumper Sticker seen on Combie at Rainbow..."No Jobs on a Dead Planet"

Anonymous said...

You excluding yourself from "Humankind", are you?