Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Please let this be BS....

(picture source)

I hope to the bottom of my heart and pray to the Almighty Space Monkey that this story is crap and a beat up. Allegedy, The Age had it up and then pulled it (possibly because it was BS, or maybe not..):
"A terrorist website was discovered recently that carried a posting that called for “Forest Jihad.”
"The writer called on all Muslims in the United States, Europe, Russia and Australia to “start forest fires.” "


Anonymous said...

This one is more like it. http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2009/02/10/2487587.htm (Sorry, it won't let me < h >)

Anonymous said...

definitely something in that story..same thing was said about the wildfires in california. Fear of clearing or felling increases the chance of some scary fires..