Monday, February 2, 2009


"We cannot paint with a broad brush a faith as a consequence of the violence that is done in that faith's name."
-- President Barak H Obama in an interview with Al-Arabiya TV, 27th Jan, 2009

In an attempt at outreach to the "Muslim world", Prez Obama did an interview on Al-Arabiya TV channel. The intent was noble, the message...well I can't do any justice to the fisking by Charles Krauthammer.

A taster:
"Is it "new" to acknowledge Muslim interests and show respect to the Muslim world? Obama doesn't just think so, he said so again to millions in his al-Arabiya interview, insisting on the need to "restore" the "same respect and partnership that America had with the Muslim world as recently as 20 or 30 years ago."

Astonishing. In these most recent 20 years -- the alleged winter of our disrespect of the Islamic world -- America did not just respect Muslims, it bled for them. It engaged in five military campaigns, every one of which involved -- and resulted in -- the liberation of a Muslim people: Bosnia, Kosovo, Kuwait, Afghanistan and Iraq."

Read it all.


YouTube interview:

Al-Arabiya transcript:


Anonymous said...

ok champ. what's your point with the middle initial?

sure, George had it. but we needed to distinguish him from his old man. last time i checked, there has only been only US President Barack Obama.

Anonymous said...

Hardy har har. I know that you're on top this. I don't see any problem at all using his middle initial. I'm not an american, so I can't be accused of being divisive by using his full name.

And anyway, I would have thought BHO is better than BO...