Well, you can't really go higher than Dr James Hansen who works for Nasa's Goddard Space Institute for Space studies who:
"who set the whole scare in train back in 1988 with his testimony to a US Senate committee chaired by Al Gore. Again and again, Dr Hansen has been to the fore in making extreme claims over the dangers of climate change."Well, it appears that Mr science-is-settled-that's-the-consensus-so-STFU has made a teensy-weensy little error on the latest Warming figures.
"On Monday, Nasa's Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS), which is run by Al Gore's chief scientific ally, Dr James Hansen, and is one of four bodies responsible for monitoring global temperatures, announced that last month was the hottest October on record.Fascinating. Note that this joker is Da Man (after the Nobel Laureate Goracle of course!) when it comes to The Warming heeby-jeebies.
This was startling. Across the world there were reports of unseasonal snow and plummeting temperatures last month, from the American Great Plains to China, and from the Alps to New Zealand. China's official news agency reported that Tibet had suffered its "worst snowstorm ever". "
Some more juice:
"Yet last week's latest episode is far from the first time Dr Hansen's methodology has been called in question. In 2007 he was forced by Mr Watts and Mr McIntyre to revise his published figures for US surface temperatures, to show that the hottest decade of the 20th century was not the 1990s, as he had claimed, but the 1930s."Please people, keep telling me The Warming is Real and We Must Act Now!!!! Let's completely hamstring our economy on the basis of what these consensus builders say.
Here's what I think of your Warming....
Here's some blogs written by real climate experts:
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