Saturday, September 6, 2008

Community Organizer vs Hockey Mom

Democracies often of provide tepid choices as nominations for leaders, and as a voter you have a choice between someone you don't want to vote for, and someone worse.

The current US election is fascinating in that finally they have some candidates with a bit of excitement. With the introduction of McCain's choice for VP, Governor Palin, people on both sides of the aisle are going beserk with a mixture of admiration, rage, fear and awe.

I'm not really one for nuance, and I'm decidedly pro-West in most situations. So for me, the choice between the Chosen One and an old white male, is not so difficult. I just look at the enemies of the Free World and see who they're Baracking for (pun intended), and I choose the other guy.

So it's really a no-brainer. When Hamas endorses Obama, any and all reservations I have for the other guy just...disappear. When Obama has to sack an adviser for talking to Hamas, I know I'm on the right track (no pun intended). And finally, when Iran starts repeating Democratic talking points re: Gov. Palin, well, I feel almost energised enough to start campaigning for the Republicans.

A regular contributor at Ace of Spades, Gabriel, put's it best:
"Let me put it this way. Do we want to elect men and women whose first response to a terror attack is to ask "Why do they hate us?" Or perhaps something more along the lines of "Don't we have a carrier group in the region right now?"


Anonymous said...

I know it's only a quote, but that has to be your most militant comment (in endorsement) so far!

Jack said...

I love the inherent threat and cynicism at the same time. Appeals to my sarcastic nature.