Monday, March 9, 2009

My secret shame

OK, I am going to lose a few points here for admitting this guilty secret, but hey what else is the internet for if not for that. So here goes...

I watch CSI:Miami. Something about Horatio's mostly righteous anger, despite the fact it's overplayed and is now so cliched that it's become truly ridiculous:

Horatio: some obvious one liner...[puts sunglasses on]....end of one liner
--Every episode ever made - CSI:Miami

But I haven't watched it for a season, and now, the computer technology has gone all Minority Report.

Now there is definitely Minority Report technology out there, and I don't doubt that some government agencies use them, however I find it hard to believe the pricepoint is low enough for a department of the Miami police department to afford 3D holographic gesture the back of their cars.

I understand that from a TV/Film point of view, you need something visually interesting to keep the audience engaged. From an IT perspective, the oversimplification of technology pisses me off. However I completely relate to the fact that searching a database is hardly the most of exciting activities, and perhaps some artistic licence is required.

But come one, a real-time access to any camera public or private, 2 second access to massive fingerprint databases, voice recognition software blah blah blah.

No wonder people get shitty ...[pushes spectacles up his nose]... when their printer doesn't work...
picture source

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just watched the one-liner clip.

I ... (stabs self in the eye) ... am never going to watch that program.