I realise that with a few issues *cough UN cough Global Warming cough* it may seem that I am seeing reds under the beds everywhere, however in my defence, many people with many more brains, fore and hindsight, and most importantly, experience, than your humble author have attempted to alert the free world to the dangers of Communism. With the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, the West rejoiced thinking that the evil of collectivism had been defeated once and for all.
Unfortunately, we were wrong.
A common question I hear every time I rail against Commies: "What's so wrong about Communism anyway?"
Apart from the 100% epic fail rate of any country that has adopted Communism and the serious mountains (and I mean MOUNTAINS) of human corpses that result from any flavour of Communism, the terrible standard of living for most, and the abject human misery that always follows, well yes, there's nothing wrong with Karl Marx's totalitarian ideas.
And if you think I'm exaggerating, just check out for yourself the document that started it all...The Communist Manifesto. I would recommend checking out the bit about what Marx thinks about family units and how children should be reared (hint: by the State, not the parents)
All this is kind of by the by, because I'm sure some University Professor could argue I'm not nuancing enough and anyways that was "Communism:old skool", not the new and radically improved "Communism:Friendly State version".
I have previously written about the socialist tilt of Obama's ideological mentors, his slightly confused supporters, but here's an interesting article that compares what Obama is doing right now, with the current election 2008 manifesto of the US Communist party (aka the CPUSA, document available here)
So what's the score? Of 44 items on the CPUSA's list,Yay...go Bailout. I would be hard pressed to say we are seeing the beginning of the United Socialist States of America, however 22 out of 44 items of the CPUSA already enacted?? Gotta be more than a coincidental leaning...
* 22 are already enacted.
* 21 are in work.
* 1 is being violated.
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