Thursday, August 6, 2009

About that Joker...

(picture source)

A fantastic Republican rant on the media about Obi as Joker...


Gramps said...

Hi. I'm back. It's great to be back. I know you all missed me.

I must say, now that my sentence is paid and I'm once again a meaningul member of society, my view on a few key issues has changed.

When I work out what those issues are I'll get back to you.

Tried to follow this gaff about the Joker stuff. Maybe it's just too early on Saturday or maybe I'm just too sober but I don't get it. The point or the kerfuffle.

It's good to be back.

jack said...

good to have you back. was getting a bit lonely in the comments section.

The point? Obi's socialist

Jack said...

Ok, I hadn't quite finished that message.

The point ? Obi's a socialist.

The kerfuffle? A viral propaganda campaign stating this has now reached the outer edges of the mainstream media, and Obi's supporters are shocked I tell you, shocked that anyone could criticise The One.

Gramps said...

He's not really a socialist though, is he? Not on the scale of things.

The kerfuffle is just the ongoing expression of the vocal left that everything they do is holy and everyone else should keep their trap shut. Which is why the influential right just keeps on going around with their money and their not-so-large mouths and actually gets stuff done.

Seems that all your doing is encouraging the lefties to get upset ... even more than they already do.

I reckon you're slipping, Jack.

Jack said...

Obi's not really a socialist?? Interesting take, I'd like to hear your evidence on how the One is not a socialist...nationalising the car industry? Mandatory government health care? Hmmm...

And I don't quite see how me putting up a pic of dubya as the Joker is going to infuriate those darn lefties if they need any help getting infuriated...