It's been a busy month for The Warming propaganda machine. Firstly, it appears that in early March, the Nobel Laureate Al Gore allegedly refused to debate the current 'president' of the EU (who is also the actual president of the Czech Republic), Mr Vaclav Klaus. Mr Klaus is an outspoken skeptic of this Warming malarkey (and he also compared the EU to a Communist State, something Mr Klaus is intimately experienced with having lived in one).
From the article:""A dialogue (between Klaus and Gore) was to take place on one stage. We accepted the U.S. proposal positively. But the organisers reassessed the idea in the end," Klaus's spokesman Radim Ochvat told the paper.It is remarkably curious that the most public advocate of this hoax is afraid to be publicly challenged about it. But as I have hinted previously, this isn't really about concern for the Planet, it is all about political power. And if you think I'm exagerating, here's Dr James Hansen (Gore's right hand man in the Warming posse...I've touched on his work previously here and here) in the Guardian:
"Gore might have feared such a clash," he added."
"James Hansen, a climate modeller with Nasa, told the Guardian today that corporate lobbying has undermined democratic attempts to curb carbon pollution. "The democratic process doesn't quite seem to be working," he said."The implications of his views have now been ably demonstrated this week by a local council in England:
A scheme is already under way in Broadland District Council in Norfolk, which has spent £30,000 hiring a plane with a thermal imaging camera.Note the inevitable mission creep, from monitoring businesses environmental impact to monitoring individual citizens.
The aircraft took images of homes and businesses, with those losing the most heat showing up as red, while better insulated properties appear blue.
The council's head of environmental services, Andy Jarvis, said the original plan was to target businesses but it was realised the scope could be extended to include residental properties.
'The project we put together was for a plane to go up on various nights flying strips of the district and taking pictures,' he said.Now if the fact that local councils send up spyplanes, using your tax dollars, to spy into the homes of individual citizens doesn't disturb you, I'd recommend you have another look at this film to see how much fun it is to live in a society with 24 hour State surveillance.
'Through those images, a thermal image photograph can be created in which you can pick out individual properties which are losing a lot of heat.
'We do a lot on domestic energy conservation already and realised it would be useful to see if any of the homes which were particularly hot were properties where people had not insulated their lofts.
Not only is the project unlikely to stop, but other councils are interested, This statement is particular illustrative (emphasis mine)
Council leader Simon Woodbridge said the project would 'effectively pay for itself within a few weeks in terms of the amounts of money we can help people to save'.Paraphrased: "We are invading your privacy and peering into your homes for your own wellbeing."
On a less scary note but no less stupid, California legislators now want to ban black paint on cars:
In a move that will likely get California's consumers in a huff, impending legislation may soon restrict the paint color options for Golden State residents looking for their next new vehicle. The specific colors that are currently on the chopping block are all dark hues, with the worst offender seemingly the most innocuous color you could think of: Black.You can't make this shit up. First they came for the lightbulbs...
I wonder if they considered the impact on the change in albedo once they remove all the black cars from California.
i had to look up what albedo was. I doubt it figured in their "calculations". What's scary about this is what if they do the same to clothes in Melbourne? Melbourne with no black clothes? Man, I don't want to live in that reality....
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