Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Chinese Underpants

picture source

Now, I'm not an experienced or qualified commentator on geo-politics (funnily enough these are the exact qualifications to write about them on a blog), however I find this method of Navy warfare slightly disconcerting.

Harrassing the USS Impeccable (the irony will soon become apparent), 5 Chinese flagged boats just kinda got in its way in the South China sea.
"We expect Chinese ships to act responsibly and refrain from provocative activities that could lead to miscalculation or a collision at sea."
The Impeccable responded by spraying one of the vessels with fire hoses and its crew disrobed to their underwear.
The article doesn't make it clear which crew disrobed, but either way....weird.


Anonymous said...

Hooray - you finally got the lable "Underpants" into your blog, well done.

Anonymous said...

Yeah I no i msisplled label

Anonymous said...

Like the "polls" they used to snag the array...

*ring ring* *ring ring*
"Hi! We're conducting a poll. Should we snag the array?"
"Ummmm ..."

Good technique!