Friday, September 11, 2009

Charlie Sheen is a bit crazy

The post September 11 political landscape in the US is populated by a small, but loud minority who “question the official version” of events that fateful day in 2001. They use this “just askin’” excuse to advance the most ridiculous conspiracy theory evar…namely that that George W. Bush and his administration was responsible for or enabled September 11. In the same breath, the nutjobs that have this opinion usually carry on to say what a retard Dubya is.

Well you cannae’ have it both ways; either he ‘s stupid and unable to organize a conspiracy to tie his own shoelaces, or his is a scarily smart supervillain genius that was able to change the melting point of steel and orchestrate a plot to allow the US to invade the Middle East (again) for oil money…and look what a resounding success that was.

The Democrats allowed this “truther” movement to grow as it attacked the incumbent Republican administration because they were often linked to and protested with the hysterical anti-war Left, which served the Democrats needs. Well to paraphrase Obama’s preacher the ‘good’ pastor Reverend Jeremiah Wright, Obama’s chickens are coming home to roost.

Van Jones was appointed the Whitehouse “green jobs czar” in [who cares]. His government appointment was to presumably oversee the creation of green jobs which are [no really, who cares?]. The important thing is, he was working IN the Whitehouse, had the ear of the President and a nice unelected portfolio to manage. Except, back in the crazy days of 2002, he was a paid up “truther”. The evidence that he publicly called for and supported not one, but four investigations questioning W. Bush’s involvement in September 11 is irrefutable, and after about a week of blog-led protests, he was shown the door.

“You can no more have a truther in the White House than you can have a Holocaust denier -- a person who creates a hallucinatory alternative reality in the service of a fathomless malice.”
--Charles Krauthammer, Washington Post, 10th September 2009

Whilst I have neither the time nor the energy to debunk the many many insane claims made by the “truthers”, let’s just say that if you have sympathy for their views, odds are if you’re reading this post, you’ve probably lost your way on the internet. Alex Jones is perhaps the most well-known of the “truthers” because along with a friend he created the “internet sensation” film “Loose Change” stating in excruciating detail his argument for the biggest conspiracy since the moon landing (hint: Bush caused 9/11). I’ve seen videos of him threatening the life of conservative bloggers and generally think I have a good enough grasp of his, frankly, lunatic opinions.

All this was a long winded way to show that Charlie Sheen has penned a fictional interview of himself with President Obama, confronting him with the “evidence” of 9/11, on Alex Jones’ website. It’s not worth excerpting, and you’ll probably feel a little disappointed with Mr Sheen (as I was) if you like him as an actor.

Charlie Sheen wants answers!!!

Here it is:

(I’m not linking to it because I think Alex Jones is a loon and I don’t want this blog to appear on his website visitor stats)

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