Saturday, June 20, 2009

Life imitating art?

el Pollo - meanest vigilante gringo in all of Argentina

An employee of a chicken shop, wearing a chicken suit, foiled a wannabe car thief (I think). From this article (via Metafilter)
"Un empleado de la pollería de Lavalle y Soler que hace promoción en la puerta del comercio disfrazado de pollo atrapó a Luis Alberto Armani (de 20 años), quien minutos antes habría intentado robar un auto."
Or in badly translated English
"An employee of pollería of Lavalle and Soler that makes promotion in the door of the disguised commerce of chicken catched Luis Alberto Armani (of 20 years), who minutes before would have tried to rob a car."
For those who haven't yet seen the glaringly obvious pop-culture it is:

And the sequel, Chicken Fight Two

And the next sequel, Chicken Fight Three

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