"Drug addicted prisoners receive compensation for being forced to go cold turkey."
From the article:
"Around £11,400 was paid to three inmates at Winchester Prison in Hampshire after a court ruled that it was a breach of their human rights to deny them drugs such as heroin and substitute substances."Seriously, WTF? These guys are in PRISON. It's not supposed to be a !@#ing cakewalk. It's supposed to be unpleasant. That's what prison is. Most law abiding citizens of any country get that.
"Really sorry Snake, but you're not supposed to be taking heroin or any other illegal drug whilst your doing time. You want to do drugs? THEN STAY OUT OF JAIL YOU FUCKING MORON!!!!!"
The revolution will come, but not as neo/crypto Marxists believe. It won't be lefty sympathising 'underclasses' rising up against the White Male Patriarchy. It will be lynch mobs of outraged citizens with pitchforks and torches wanting to take the frankenstein monster of activist judiciaries to task for yet another outrageous judgement.
"Human Rights" my ass.....
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