Tuesday, May 26, 2009

An Inconvenient Insight

A typical Honda Insight driver
VS Jeremy Clarkson

(via http://www.metafilter.com/)

Jeremy Clarkson's review on the new Honda Insight. This is a man who loves cars. He does not love the Honda Insight:
It’s terrible. Biblically terrible. Possibly the worst new car money can buy. It’s the first car I’ve ever considered crashing into a tree, on purpose, so I didn’t have to drive it any more.
Other than the fact that this car seems like total P.O.S, he eloquently puts his finger on the biggest issue associated with this car and it's target demographic:
"The nickel for the battery has to come from somewhere. Canada, usually. It has to be shipped to Japan, not on a sailing boat, I presume. And then it must be converted, not in a tree house, into a battery, and then that battery must be transported, not on an ox cart, to the Insight production plant in Suzuka. And then the finished car has to be shipped, not by Thor Heyerdahl, to Britain, where it can be transported, not by wind, to the home of a man with a beard who thinks he’s doing the world a favour.

Why doesn’t he just buy a Range Rover, which is made from local components, just down the road? No, really — weird-beards buy locally produced meat and vegetables for eco-reasons. So why not apply the same logic to cars? "
Read the whole thing


Gramps said...

ok, i get his point. what's yours?


Jack said...

Fair comment. I didn't make a point. Just directing my readers to a funny column.

And something about beards


Gramps said...

I saw on the road here yesterday - ugly ugly car.