Well...no. Not if you happen to be white and male. From this story (via FiveFeetofFury) :
"OTTAWA -- The Carleton University Students' Association has voted to drop a cystic fibrosis charity as the beneficiary of its annual Shinearama fundraiser, supporting a motion that argued the disease is not "inclusive" enough.What an awesome evolution of charity. Apparently diseases are only now worthy of research depending on their impact on designated victim groups. And if you happen to be of European descent, male and straight....hurry up and die already!!! And note, this isCystic fibrosis "has been recently revealed to only affect white people, and primarily men" said the motion read Monday night to student councillors, who voted almost unanimously in favour of it."
"a win for diversity"Expect more of these kind of "motions" in the future. Remember kids, it's only Racist if suggested by a whitey...
Addendum: Another instance of identity politics gone too far:
"eHarmony, a Christian-targeted dating website, gets sued by a gay man demanding that the business match him up with a same-sex partner."Even some gays recognise the insanity of this type of lawsuit:
" To be clear: The company never refused to do business with anyone. Their great “sin” was not providing a specialized service that litigious gay people demanded they provide."
"This is nothing more than a nuisance lawsuit. He just felt hurt because a website offered dating services for heterosexuals, but not for him. "Brave new world indeed.
I dated a girl with cystic fibrosis. It's a terrible disease.
Screw Carleton University, at least sufferers have got the Wolverines!
Your knowledge of Canadian football(?) teams astounds me. I think Carleton are reeling due to the bad PR this has generated. Reality has a way of putting PC idiots back into their place....usually not quick enough though
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