Saturday, October 25, 2008

Give or take 20 million years....

Well well well, geologists (of all people) are now saying the Arctic Ice "may have formed 20million years earlier".

Well, blow me down with that global warming wind. 20 million years?? That will surely !@# up EVERY. SINGLE. CALCULATION. that The Warming fanatics have made and bashing us over the head with.

And if they don't have to, one should really ask, what kind of confidence level can you have in the maths if they are still valid when they can ignore the goalposts changing by 20 million years? Remember the all the hysterical ninnies telling us that their predictions are so accurate that they can predict the seas rising in the next 100 years.

I'm sure Al Gore, Prof. Garnaut, K.Rudd, The Age and the New York Times, the IPCC, the UN, Santa Freakin' Claus will now republish all their findings with this taken into account.... no? really? you mean, we should just take their consensus driven view and just sacrifice our economies wholesale to chase this carbon emitting pipe dream so that we, in the words of the Nobel Laureates Al Gore's biopic An Inconvenient Truth, "reduce our carbon emissions to zero"??!?!?!

Excuse me while I go outside and burn a few tyres.....

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