Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Mere Milne

"I am blessed to live at a time when the denial of the obvious has become the organizing
principle of government and society. This makes my job so easy -- except for
when I must defend myself against the zealots of “nuance."
Not everyone is called to martyrdom, but everyone is called to witness.

Even journalists."
--David Warren, 3 Aug, 2008

Further to that "little" problem in Georgia, where the president of Georgia (Mikheil Saakashvili) apparently invited the full force of the Russian army by attacking South Ossetia for reasons I'm still not quite sure of.

Clearly, I had neglected to see that the entire Georgian conflict was due to US Imperialism. The brain surgeon that made this call is a well known writer for the Guardianista, Seumas Milne. Many, many people have been fisking this fool for a long time, so there's no point in going into too much depth, however I had to pull out this howler:
"But underlying the conflict of the past week has also been the Bush administration's wider, explicit determination to enforce US global hegemony and prevent any regional challenge, particularly from a resurgent Russia."
So, if I understand his reasoning, having fought the Cold War for about 44 odd years (1945-1989) where the world had genuinely been on the brink of nuclear war many more times than any of us normal people will ever know, having spent billions and expended a lot of blood (Korean War, Vietnam War, ...), the US finally defeated the evil Commies, only so that the evil Bush dynasty could establish a little Texas on the bottom left hand corner of Russia, to what...start the whole thing over again?!? And because Iraq was such a cakewalk, I'm sure the US is just itching to take on Russia again, hell, why not take on China at the same time?

The whole thing smacks of paranoia worse than mine. In his column he brings out a few more Lefty bogeymen (the evil Joos, CIA, and John McCain...hmm, not sure he's really got to bogeyman status...yet).

OK...one more:
"Unipolar domination of the world has squeezed the space for genuine self-determination and the return of some counterweight has to be welcome."
Dear Mr Milne, last week Russia threatened Poland with a nuclear strike (as reported by your paper). Thank the Space Monkey that this age of "Unipolar domination of the world" is at an end, eh? What a glorious harbringer of the future, where nation states can threaten each other with nuclear strikes willy nilly. At least those boorish Yanks aren't running the show anymore. Long live the age of the counterweight!

Further links to the brilliant intellect that is currently incarnated as the mortal Seumas Milne.

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