From their about us page:
Carbon Planet is a global carbon management company whose mission is to enable every individual and business on the planet to manage their contribution to the defining issue of our age, global warming.Note: it's the defining issue of our age.
The scientific case for human impact as a primary cause of global warming has been convincingly made in study after study, and good science is the first step on the road to unlocking the inherent business benefits.Study after study after study, layer upon layer upon layer. "Convincingly made"...that's sounds like their pretty sure of their convictions.
"Good science", you know, as opposed to "bad science" or "medium science" or "green technology".
Science, you idjits, is science. It is neither good, nor bad. There can be no qualitative adjective describing "science". If it is "bad science" or an experiment that does not follow scientific principles, then it is no longer "science", it is what would be commonly termed "a fraud" . "Good science" is kind of like "good electricity" or "good water". The fact they feel the need to emphasise this, gives me the impression they're not really 100% committed to this "good science", but are clearly very happy to be making money off it.
They also have two pdfs on their "flight emissions calculator" page. I could only stomach one, and then only got to page 4. Two glaringly obvious 'errors':
the importance of aviation for the economy and employment is far less than its importance for climate changeOh really?!? So I guess you'd be looking at the total amount of goods travelling in and out of a country via air, comparing that to sea carriage, with respect to the GDP? they didn't do that. Something about fuel imports and stuff...
aviation is overwhelmingly an activity of the richest elements of society, measures to combat the environmental impact of aviation would not adversely impact the poorWow, I'd guess you'd better tell that to these people, and these ones, and these ones, etc etc etc. Those damn rich people! Always going and getting drowned by tsunamis, starving themselves and getting caught up in natural disasters. They should bloody well start taking responsibility for themselves and you know, like, stop asking countries to fly them aid. I mean how selfish are they?? Worried about their own insignificant lives when we have a PLANET TO SAVE! Don't they know it's THE defining issue of our age?
Tell me, Jack: do you not believe in the phenomena of global warming or do you just object to the pinko, lefto, bad-scienceo types using poor language to define their crusade?
Whilst I agree that much of the argument is emotive and the language is, as such, representative I am yet to be convinced that it is not an issue of significant import.
So, if you don't believe in "The Warming" as you so eloquently put it, please point me to evidence to support such a supposition.
Screw it. I may just have to become the Locke to your Demosthenes given that we're the only two on this damn blog!
Ah, gramps. I do appreciate your comments. It's just that the other 6 readers are too scared to comment on this whole blog thing.
As for your request to point you towards evidence of The Warming:
a. I believe strongly that if my tax dollars and liberties are to be curtailed in the name of this fraud, then those demanding those things should prove it TO ME. Not the other way around.
c. the earth hasn't warmed in the last 10 years...not reflected in anyone's Warming models I understand
d. watch this space, I will be doing more debunking of this fraud.
Is the Bureau of Meteorology in on the hoax?
Check out this page. Not a model, more recordings presented graphically, for those you prefer pictures to words!
Coldest day in Victoria today, for 25 years. Did you think that figured in any of The Warming climate models? Or is this "pause" in The Warming expected....
Have you heard of the bell curve?
Damn Bureau lied to us AGAIN!! You just can't trust anyone who's paid to predict the future anymore!
What is the world coming to?
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