Sunday, December 20, 2009

Red Green - Green Red

A common meme among right-wing blogs and other 'denialist' medium regarding the single minded obsession of the environmentalists, is this idea that socialism didn't die in 1989, it just transferred itself to the Green movement (something the co-founder of Greenpeace agrees with) and subsequently underpins the naked hypocrisy and power grab that has become the movement to STOP THE WARMING.

Well to put all that malarkey to rest, here's what happened in Carbonhagen this week when Hugo Chavez, el Presidente for life of Venezuela spoke at COP 15(emphasis mine):
“our revolution seeks to help all people…socialism, the other ghost that is probably wandering around this room, that’s the way to save the planet, capitalism is the road to hell....let’s fight against capitalism and make it obey us.” He won a standing ovation.
Lord Monckton who alerted the world to the in-text tyranny of the Carbonhagen treaty, had asked the current PM of the Czech Republic Dr Vaclav Klaus about the 'communistic' tendency of the treaty, and his response was:
“Maybe it is not brutal. But in all other respects, what it proposes is far too close to Communism for comfort.”
And this is from a dude who lived under a Communist regime.

Now where is my tin-foil hat...

1 comment:

Gramps said...

Good argument there from Patrick Moore. Although sometimes I am a little bit jealous that those people can live in complete delusion. Wouldn't be be nice to be deluded for a while and ignore the real problems the world is facing?
