Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Vatican Alien Symposium

Right on the tails of ‘serious scientists’ grappling with the threat of zombies, now the Vatican is holding a conference on “astrobiology, the study of life beyond Earth”. The discovery of alien life forms would raise some troublesome issues for Christians, as “God had made Man in His own image” (Genesis 1:27), however according to Paul Davies who will be attending the conference,

“The possibility of extraterrestrial life is not much of an issue for Eastern religions, which tend to be less Earth-centric”

And also mentioned is that Islam apparently allows for the existence of life beyond earth, although having read the Quranic verses quoted, I’m not convinced. The idea that certain followers of Islam, who are famous for their tolerance of fellow humans, would somehow be cooler about ET than say, Pope Benedict XVI, is a little hard to swallow, however I welcome the hypothetical.

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