Thursday, October 1, 2009

Total rubbish

Hand over your rubbish...or else...
From this story:
concerned neighbours saw mysterious men emptying their bins into black sacks and loading them into an unmarked white van.

When homeowners questioned the official binmen an hour later they learned their council was conducting a survey of what was being thrown away.
Now, try as I might, I can't really link this in to The Warming hysteria, although the current Western obsession about all things environmental probably has something to do with it. The UK does seem to be leading the world in spying on their own citizens to ensure, amongst other things, efficient energy usage. And like every other viewer of CSI, I know that garbage left out on the street can't really be 'stolen', however I don't see the need for unmarked vans, hoodies and all the secrecy.

It's just a little...weird.

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